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Wei-Shiuan Tseng/曾維宣


As a PhD with engineering and photonics background, I am an expert in photovoltaics and nano-materials. Coming back from Caltech as a Postdoc, I build up my own Lab in NYCU and devote my research to sustainable energy.


The strengths in my character is communicating well with people who most people might think difficult to get along with, solving tough problems with elegance and efficiency and always have a positive attitude even in difficulty.


Ph. D. of Electrical Engineering and Optoelectronics (Sep. 2007 ~ Jul. 2012) 

  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan 

  • Doctoral THESIS: Physical, Chemical, and Electrical Properties at the Interfaces of P3HT:PCBM Based Organic Solar Cells

Master of Electrical Engineering and Optoelectronics (Sep. 2006 ~ Jul. 2007)

  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Sep. 2002 ~ Jul. 2006)

  • National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Hsinchu, Taiwan


Assistant Professor

  1. College of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (2019. Aug. ~present) 

Postdoctoral Researcher

  1. Condensed Matter Physics, Caltech (2015 Jan, ~ 2019 Aug.)

  2. Graduate Institute of photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (2012 Jul. ~ 2015 Jan.)


  1. AU Optronics Corp. (AUO) (2009 summer) 

Teaching assistant

  1. Semiconductor Devices @ National Taiwan University (2010 Feb. ~ 2010 Jul.)

  2. Introduction to Optoelectronics@ National Taiwan University (2009 Aug. ~ 2010 Feb.)

  3. Introduction to Liquid Crystal@ National Taiwan University (2007 Aug. ~ 2008 Jul.) 

Journal reviewer

  1. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (from 2016)

  2. RSC Advanced (from 2016)

  3. Thin Solid Films (from 2016)

International talk

  1. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Yun-Chun Chen, Chen-Chih Hsu, and N.-C. Yeh, “Single-Step Direct Growth of Large-Area Graphene and Graphene-Based Nanostructures on Silicon by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD)”, APS March Meeting - American Physical Society, Boston, USA (2019).

  2. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Wei-Hsiang Lin, Chih-I Wu, and N.-C. Yeh, “Single-Step High-Yield Growth of Well Oriented Carbon Nanotubes by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition”, APS March Meeting - American Physical Society, Los Angeles, USA (2018).

  3. Medium Bandgap Conjugated Polymer Merging a Fluorinated Quinoxaline Moiety for Efficient and Air-Stable Polymer Solar Cells, E-MRS, Lille, France (2014)

U.S. Patent

Patent Application Publication: US20200325574A1

Single-Step Direct Growth of Large-Area Graphene and Graphene-Based Nanostructures On Silicon By Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition 

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