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List of Major Journal Articles


  1. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Yu-Chi Pan, Tzin-Hsin Liao, Shih-Hsiang Hsiao, and Ming- Che Chan*, "Observation of dynamic nanoscale thermal expansion in mirrors and graphene-aided heat dissipation by an advanced chromatic confocal microscopy", Applied Physics Letters, 124, 152202 (2024).

  2. Wei-Shiuan Tseng*, Feng-Shun Tseng, Hong-Wei Lai, Wan-Ying Wu, and Min-Yang Chen, "Organic-Catalysis-Free and Low-Temperature Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Graphene Nano-Stripes for Enhancing Performance of 
    LiFePO4-based Li-ion Batteries", Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 8(4), 100605 (2023).

  3. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Chi-Sheng Hsieh, Ming-Che Chan, and Hai-Ching Su, "Non-invasive Probing of Dynamic Ion Migration in Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells by an Advanced Nanoscale Confocal Microscope", Optics Express, 30(16), 28817-28828 (2022).

  4. Wei-Shiuan Tseng,* Jheng-Siou Hung, Zheng-Yue Jian, Jian-Zhi Huang, Jin-Bin Yang, Wei-Hsuan Hsu, Chih-I Wu, Xue Li Huang, and Mei-Hsin Chen*, "The Effects of Interfacial Dipole Caused by Annealing-Free Al-Doped NiOx in Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells", Solar Energy, 233, 345-352 (2022).

  5. Ming-Che Chan, Yen-Chun Chen, Bai-Heng Shiue, Tzi-I Tsai, Chii-Dong Chen, and Wei-Shiuan Tseng*, "Correlation between optical absorption and twisted angle of bilayer graphene observed by high-resolution reflectance confocal laser microscopy", Optics Express, 29, 40481-40493 (2021).

  6. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Yen-Chun Chen, Chen-Chih Hsu, Chen-Hsuan Lu, Chih-I Wu, and Nai-Chang Yeh, “Direct Large-Area Growth of Graphene on Silicon for Ultra-Low-Friction and Optoelectronic Applications”, Nanotechnology, 31, 335602 (2020).

  7. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Meng-Huan Jao, Chen-Chih Hsu, Jing-Shun Huang, Chih-I Wu and N.-C. Yeh, “Stabilization of Hybrid Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 Thin Films by Graphene Passivation”, Nanoscale, 9, 19227–19235 (2017).

  8. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Chun-Ya Chiu, Shang-Wei Chou, Hsieh-Chih Chen, Meng-Lin Tsai, Ya-Ching Kuo, Der-Hsien Lien, Yu-Chi Tsao, Kuo-You Huang, Chih-Ting Yeh, Jr-Hau He, Chih-I Wu, Michael H. Huang, and Pi-Tai Chou, “ShapeDependent Light Harvesting of 3D Gold Nanocrystals on Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells: Plasmonic or Optical Scattering Effect?”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 7554−7564 (2015).

  9. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Hsieh-Chih Chen, Yun-Chen Chien, Chi-Chang Liu, Yung-Kang Peng, Yu-Sin Wu, Jung-Hung Chang, Shih-Hung Liu, Shang-Wei Chou, Chien-Liang Liu, Ying-Hsiao Chen, Chih-I. Wu, and Pi-Tai Chou, “Comprehensive study of medium-bandgap conjugated polymer merging a fluorinated quinoxaline with branched side chains for highly efficient and air-stable polymer solar cells”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 20203–20212 (2014).

  10. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Hung Lo, Jan-Kai Chang, I-Hsiu Liu, Mei-Hsin Chen, and Chih-I Wu, “Metal-induced molecular diffusion in [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester poly(3-hexylthiophene) based bulk-heterojunction solar cells”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 183506 (2013).

  11. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, M. H Chen, J. Y. Wang, C. T. Tseng, H. Lo, P. S. Wang, C. I. Wu, “Investigations of efficiency improvements in poly(3-hexylthiophene) based organic solar cells using calcium cathodes”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 95, 3424–3427 (2011).

  12. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Mei-Hsin Chen, Ching-Chun Chang, Wei-Hsiang Lin, Li-Chyong Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Chih-I Wu, “Enhancements in device efficiency of poly(3-hexylthiophene): [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester based solar cells with incorporation of bathocuproine”, Thin Solid Films 520, 5413-5416 (2012).

  13. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Jeng-Yu Wang, Mei-Hsin Chen, Chung-Yen Wang, Hung Lo, and Chih-I Wu, “Enhancement of poly(3- hexylthiophene)-based solar cell with thermal-evaporated [6, 6]-phenyl-C60 butyric acid methyl ester layers”, Journal of Photonics for Energy 2, 021009 (2012).

  14. Wei-Hsiang Lin, Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Cora M. Went, Marcus L. Teague, George. R. Rossman, Harry A. Atwater, and NaiChang Yeh, “Nearly 90% Circularly Polarized Emission in Monolayer WS2 Single Crystals by Chemical Vapor Deposition”, ACS Nano 14 1350-1359 (2020).

  15. Yen-Chun Chen, Wei-Hsiang Lin, Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Chien-Chang Chen, George. R. Rossman, Chii-Dong Chen, Yu-Shu Wu, and Nai-Chang Yeh, “Direct growth of mm-size twisted bilayer graphene by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, Carbon 156, 212 (2020).

  16. Yeh, Nai-Chang; Hsu, Chen-Chih; Bagley, Jacob; Tseng, Wei-Shiuan, “Single-step growth of graphene and graphene-based nanostructures by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition”, Nanotechnology, 30 162001(2019).

  17. Wei-Hsiang Lin, Victor W. Brar, Deep Jariwala, Michelle C. Sherrott, Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Chih-I Wu, Nai-Chang Yeh, and Harry A. Atwater, “Atomic-Scale Structural and Chemical Characterization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Layers Synthesized at the Wafer-Scale with Monolayer Thickness Control”, Chem. Mater. 29, 4700−4707 (2017).

  18. Chen-Chih Hsu, Jacob D. Bagley, Marcus L. Teague, Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Kathleen L, Yang, Yiran Zhang, Yiliang Li, Yilun Li, James M. Tour, and N.-C. Yeh, “High-Yield Single-Step Catalytic Growth of Graphene Nanostripes by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Carbon, 129, 527-536 (2018).

  19. Chi-Cheng Yang, Chih-Hsien Cheng, Ting-Hui Chen, Yung-Hsiang Lin, Yu-Chieh Chi, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Po-Han Chang, Cheng-Ying Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Li-Chyong Chen, Chih-I Wu and Gong-Ru Lin, “A Ge-rich SiGe Mode-Locker for Erbium-doped Fiber Lasers”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 24, 1100310 (2017). SCI

  20. Ming-Hui Chiu, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Hao-Ling Tang, Yung-Huang Chang, Chang-Hsiao Chen, Wei-Ting Hsu, Wen-Hao Chang, Chih-I Wu, Lain-Jong Li, “Band Alignment of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterojunctions”, Adv. Funct. Mater. Accepted, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201603756 (2016).

  21. Zhenjie Feng, Xunqing Yin, Yiming Cao, Xianglian Peng, Tian Gao, Chuan Yu, Jingzhe Chen, Baojuan Kang, Bo Lu, Juan Guo, Qing Li, Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Zhongquan Ma, Chao Jing, Shixun Cao, Jincang Zhang, and N.-C. Yeh, “Mn-doping induced ferromagnetism and enhanced superconductivity in Bi4−xMnxO4S3 (0.075 ≤ x ≤ 0.15)”, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 064522 (2016).

  22. Yi-Chun Lai, Yu-Fan Chang, Pei-Ting Tsai, Jan-kai Chang, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Yi-Cheng Lin, Chu-Yen Hsiao, Hsiao-Wen Zan, Chih-I Wu, Gou-Chung Chi, and Hsin-Fei Meng, and Peichen Yu, “Rear interface engineering of hybrid organicsilicon nanowire solar cells via blade coating”, Opt. Expr. 24, A414-A422 (2016).

  23. Chung-Hao Liu, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Chih-Yang Cheng, Chih-I Wu, Pi-Tai Chou, Shih-Huang Tung, “Effects of amorphous poly(3-hexylthiophene) on active-layer structure and solar cells performance”, Polymer. Phys. 54, 975-985 (2016).

  24. Yung-Hsiang Lin, Sheng-Fong Lin, Yu-Chieh Chi, Chung-Lun Wu, Chih-Hsien Cheng, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Jr-Hau He, ChihI Wu, Chao-Kuei Lee, and Gong-Ru Lin, “Using n- and p‑Type Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator Nanoparticles To Enable Controlled Femtosecond Mode-Locking of Fiber Lasers”, ACS Photonics 2, 481−490 (2015).

  25. Chi-Ang Tseng, Hsieh-Cheng Han, Cheong-Wei Chong, Ching-Chun Chang, Chi-Feng Lin, Sheng-Bo Wang, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Chih-I Wu, Jiun-Haw Lee, Shoou-Jinn Chang, Kuei-Hsien Chen, and Li-Chyong Chen, “The Effects of FluorineContained Molecules on Improving the Polymer Solar Cell by Curing the Anomalous S‑Shaped I−V Curve”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 6683−6689 (2015).

  26. Shang-Wei Chou, Hsieh-Chih Chen, Zhiyun Zhang, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Chih-I Wu, Ya-Yun Yang, Ching-Yen Lin, and PiTai Chou, “Strategic Design of Three-Dimensional (3D) Urchin-Like Pt−Ni Nanoalloys: How This Unique Nanostructure Boosts the Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells Efficiency to 8.48%”, Chem. Mater. 26, 7029−7038 (2014).

  27. Yung-Hsiang Lin, Chun-Yu Yang, Sheng-Feng Lin, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Qiaoliang Bao, Chih-I Wu, and Gong-Ru Lin, “Soliton compression of the erbium-doped fiber laser weakly started mode-locking by nanoscale p-type Bi2Te3 topological insulator particles”, Laser Phys. Lett. 11, 055107 (2014)

  28. Yung-Kang Peng, Chien-Liang Liu, Hsieh-Chih Chen, Shang-Wei Chou, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Yu-Jui Tseng, Chia-Cheng Kang, Jong-Kai Hsiao, and Pi-Tai Chou, “Antiferromagnetic Iron Nanocolloids: A New Generation in Vivo T1 MRI Contrast Agent”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 18621−18628 (2013).

  29. Ping-Yi Ho, Jen-Yu Sun, Shao-Hsuan Kao, Chia-Yu Kao, Shang-Hong Lin, Shiang Lan, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Chih-I Wu, Ching-Fuh Lin, “The effects of MoO3 treatment on inverted PBDTTT-C:PC71BM solar cells”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 119, 235–240 (2013).

  30. Yung-Hsiang Lin, Jui-Yung Lo, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Chih-I Wu, and Gong-Ru Lin, “Self-amplitude and self-phase modulation of the charcoal mode-locked erbium-doped fiber lasers”, Opt. Express 21, 25184-25196 (2013).

  31. Yung-Ting Chang, Jan-Kai Chang, Yi-Ting Lee, Po-Sheng Wang, Jhao-Lin Wu, Che-Chang Hsu, I-Wen Wu, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Tun-Wen Pi, Chin-Ti Chen, and Chih-I Wu, “High-Efficiency Small-Molecule-Based Organic Light Emitting Devices with Solution Processes and Oxadiazole-Based Electron Transport Materials”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 5, 10614−10622 (2013).

  32. Shi-Hao Zhao, Jan-Kai Chang, Jian-Jhih Fang, Huai-Wen Tsai, I-Hsiu Liu, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Tun-Wen Pi , Mei-Hsin Chen, “Efficiency enhancement caused by using LiF to change electronic structures in polymer photovoltaics”, Thin Solid Films 545, 361–364 (2013).

  33. Po-Sheng Wang, Yuan-Yen Lo, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Mei-Hsin Chen, and Chih-I Wu, “Enhancing the incorporation compatibility of molybdenum oxides in organic light emitting diodes with gap state formations”, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 063710 (2013).

  34. Hsieh-Chih Chen, Shang-Wei Chou, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, I-Wen P. Chen, Chi-Chang Liu, Chun-hsien Chen, Chih-I Wu, and Pi-Tai Chou, “Large AuAg Alloy Nanoparticles Synthesized in Organic Media Using a One-Pot Reaction: Their Applications for High-Performance Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 22, 3975-3984 (2012).

  35. Dong-Yi Chen, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Sheng-Ping Liang, Chih-I Wu, Che-Wei Hsu, Yun Chi, Wen-Yi Hung and Pi-Tai Chou, “Application of F4TCNQ doped spiro-MeOTAD in high performance solid state dye sensitized solar cells”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 11689–11694 (2012).

  36. I. W. Wu, P. S. Wang, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, J. H. Chang, C. I. Wu, “Correlations of impedance–voltage characteristics and carrier mobility in organic light emitting diodes” , Organic Electronics 13, 13–17 (2012).

  37. I-Wen Wu, Chia-Lin Chuang, Po-Sheng Wang, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, and Chih-I Wu, “The investigation of the diffusion length of cathode materials in organic light emitting devices through impedance characteristics”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 173302 (2012).

  38. Chia-Lin Chuang, Wen-Jie Wang, Chung-Yen Wang, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, and Chih-I Wu, “Highly Transparent p-Type ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Non-Toxic Sol-Gel Process”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 15 (6) H195-H197 (2012).

  39. P. S. Wang, I. W. Wu, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, M. H. Chen, and C. I. Wu, “Enhancement of Current Injection in Organic Light Emitting Diodes with Sputter Treated Molybdenum Oxides as Hole Injection Layers” , Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 173302 (2011).

  40. J. Z. Chen, C. P. Huang, Wei-Hsuan Tseng, I. C. Cheng, C. I. Wu, “Indium tin oxide sol–gel precursor conversion process using the third harmonics of Nd:YAG laser”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 257, 10042-10044 (2011).



List of Important Conference Presentations


  1. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Chi-Sheng Hsieh, Sheng-Yun Cho, Ming-Che Chan, and Hai-Ching Su, "Non-Invasive Probing of Time-Dependent Ion-Distribution Profile in Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells by An Advanced Confocal Microscope", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics San Jose, USA (2023).

  2. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Yun-Chun Chen, Bai-Heng Shiue, Tzi-I Tsai, Chii-Dong Chen, Ming-Che Chan, "Correlation between optical absorption and twisted angle of bilayer graphene observed by high-resolution  reflectance confocal laser microscope ", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Sapporo, Japan (2022). (Oral)

  3.  Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Yun-Chun Chen, Chen-Chih Hsu, and N.-C. Yeh, “Single-Step Direct Growth of Large-Area Graphene and Graphene-Based Nanostructures on Silicon by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD)”, APS March Meeting - American Physical Society, Boston, USA (2019). (Oral)

  4. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Wei-Hsiang Lin, Chih-I Wu, N.-C. Yeh, “Single-Step High-Yield Growth of Well Oriented Carbon Nanotubes by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition”, APS March Meeting - American Physical Society, Los Angeles, USA (2018). (Oral)

  5. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Meng-Huan Jao, Chen-Chih Hsu, Jing-Shun Huang, Chih-I Wu, and N.-C. Yeh, “Long-Term Stability of Hybrid Perovskites achieved by Graphene Passivation via a Water- and Polymer-Free Graphene Transfer Method”, APS March Meeting - American Physical Society, New Orleans, USA (2017). (Oral)

  6. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Hsieh-Chih Chen, Chi-Chang Liu, Jung-Hung Chang, Yun-Chen Chien, Yu-Sin Wu, Shih-Hung Liu, Chih-I Wu, and Pi-Tai Chou, “Medium Bandgap Conjugated Polymer Merging a Fluorinated Quinoxaline Moiety for Efficient and Air-Stable Polymer Solar Cells”, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Lille, France, (2014). (Oral)

  7. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Shang-Wei Chou, Ya-Ching Kuo, Hsieh-Chih Chen, Chih-I Wu, Pi-Tai Chou, “Shape-dependent plasmon-assist efficiency enhancements in polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells”, Asian Conference on Organic Electronics, Seoul, Korea, (2013). (Poster)

  8. Wei-Hsuan Tseng , Jan-Kai Chang, Jeng-Yu Wang, Chun-Tse Tseng, Hung Lo, Mei-Hsin Chen and Chih-I Wu, “Studies of phase segregations and electronic structures in organic solar cells during thermal annealing”, 2012 SPIE Organic Photonics and Electronic, San Diego, California, USA (2012). (Oral)

  9. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Mei-Hsin Chen, Jeng-Yu Wang, Chun-Tse Tseng, Hung Lo, and Chih-I Wu, “Metal-induced PCBM diffusion and its effects on electronic structures in bulk-heterojunction solar cells”, MRS (Materials Research Society), San Francisco, California, USA (2012). (Poster)

  10. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Mei-Hsin Chen, Jeng-Yu Wang, Chun-Tse Tseng, and Chih-I Wu, “Effects of PCBM buffer layers on the efficiency improvements of bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells.”, 2011 International Photonics Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, (2011). (Oral, Best paper award)

  11. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Mei-Hsin Chen, Ching-Chun Chang, Kuei-Hsien Chen, and Chih-I Wu, “Mechanisms of enhancements in open circuit voltages of P3HT:PCBM based solar cells with incorporation of Bathocuproine”, Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan, (2011). (Oral)

  12. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Mei-Hsin Chen, Jeng-Yu Wang, Chun-Tse Tseng, Hung Ho and Chih-I Wu, “Origins of efficiency improvements in P3HT:PCBM based organic solar cells using calcium cathodes”, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, (2011). (Oral, Best paper award)

  13. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Mei-Hsin Chen, Jeng-Yu Wang, Chun-Tse Tseng, Hung Ho and Chih-I Wu, “Origins of efficiency improvements in P3HT:PCBM based organic solar cells using calcium cathodes”, Conference of Organic Electronics, Taipei, Taiwan, (2011). (Oral)

  14. Wei-Hsuan Tseng, Mei-Hsin Chen, Ching-Chun Chang, Kuei-Hsien Chen, and Chih-I Wu, “The open circuit voltage improvement of P3HT:PCBM based solar cells by energy band modulation”, The 2nd Asian Conference on Organic Electronics, Seoul, Korea, (2010). (Oral)

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